jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

       When I was a child I wanted to be a ballet dancer and anthropologist, but now I don´t studying this career.
      When I was at high school I  didn't know what study, all my classmate knew what wanted study and it was difficult for me, so the principal teacher sent me to orient conference for choose my future career, and in this moment I thinked that Publicity was the best career for me. When I applying to University, the only option for me was Publicity in USACH, and I studied three years but I wasn't happy here because it was very competitive and commercial career.
      Always I like the arts but I never think that I would finish studying this! When I was studying publicity a friend say me: I think that you should study arts because you are good for this and you aren't happy now. Then I think that he was right, and I maked to decision of changed my career.
       Now my experience in this career has been very good although something personal experience, for example when I was in second academy year, lose a family very close to me and it was very sad.
       In actuality my dreams is work like professional photographer because I love the photography.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016

Karen Karen Tabilo Tabilo

        My name is Karen Tabilo Tabilo. I was born in Ovalle, a small and quiet city. My mother is Melva Tabilo and I met my father when I had twenty one years old. I haven't brothers but I have many cousins and they are like my brothers.
        I studied in Santa Teresa School until that I had fifteen years old, then I studied in Pucará School, in this place I had very good friends and I graduated here.
        I studied publicity in Santiago of Chile University three years but I wasn't happy here. In twenty eleven I changed my career from publicity to visual arts in Chile of University, and this was a good decision. The past year I was in student exchange in Mexico, it was very interesting because it's beautiful place and the art is very important, but I prefer our country because here the men are less sexist and the women are more respected.
        I chose the photography workshop as minor because I lovely the photography and I work like photographer freelancer. Too I like dancing and the past year in my free times I went to arabe dance class.
        I adore the animals and the animal rights are very important for me, for this reason I'm vegetarian since a five years. In Ovalle with my mother we have seven cats and one dog. We love them!