jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

       When I was a child I wanted to be a ballet dancer and anthropologist, but now I don´t studying this career.
      When I was at high school I  didn't know what study, all my classmate knew what wanted study and it was difficult for me, so the principal teacher sent me to orient conference for choose my future career, and in this moment I thinked that Publicity was the best career for me. When I applying to University, the only option for me was Publicity in USACH, and I studied three years but I wasn't happy here because it was very competitive and commercial career.
      Always I like the arts but I never think that I would finish studying this! When I was studying publicity a friend say me: I think that you should study arts because you are good for this and you aren't happy now. Then I think that he was right, and I maked to decision of changed my career.
       Now my experience in this career has been very good although something personal experience, for example when I was in second academy year, lose a family very close to me and it was very sad.
       In actuality my dreams is work like professional photographer because I love the photography.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Karen,
    i get happy that you find your place on Arts.

  2. karen when I was a child my dream was be ballet dancer too! is very beautiful discipline.

  3. Hello Karen,
    I'm very happy beacause you have found your career!
    Anyway all experiencies give us a lesson.
    I wish you the best!

  4. Hello Karen,
    I'm very happy beacause you have found your career!
    Anyway all experiencies give us a lesson.
    I wish you the best!
