viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

Changes to my study programme 

      In my opinion is very important that we can to make this type of analysis about ours study programme because it can be useful for new generations because is important that the major generates changes throught the years. Is very important check the study programme before choose one career but it's vague when a person is still very young, and don't know that really want. 
     The curriculum of my career has been changing throught the time, but this not always has been for something better. When I decided study visual arts, one of the options was study in the Catholic University but the study programme I didn't like because this included subject related to religion and I believe that is useless for me. But for other side this career in University of Chile have many infrastructure problems principally in the workshops, because sometimes lacks of tools or flood it with the rains in the winters. 
         When I chose the photography workshop I could realize that it was very precarious and photographer equipments was lacking, for this reason sometimes was very complicated work in this workshop, still is very complicated that the faculty lend you this equipments for some art personal project. However, finally have been achieved advances in this aspects because now the photography workshop have moderns computer for each students and a good study room because when I was in the workshop it was in remodeling.
     I like the study programme of my career, but would modify some aspects for example, I would do that the English class wasn't obligatory (I'm sorry, I must say this) because some people prefer other languages before that the english but it's a problem of the globalization, but in general I love my career!


6 comentarios:

  1. The photography workshop is in complete decline..

  2. The photography workshop is in complete decline..

  3. jssjjs I am completely agree with the last paragraph! you couldn't say it in a better way

  4. =O I forgot that in the career changes are made, perhaps because I have been more impacted by the maintenance of poor conditions =(

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. Also I am agree, is not good that english be obligatory in the education of an artist. Never is bad learn but not by obligation this generates distorted internationalization politics of the arts. Would be good can to choose a language; for example: german, english, italian, mapudungun, chinese.
