martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

My future job

      It's a topic very difficult in this major but in some moment we must confront this. In this moment I'm doing a major in University of Chile, its name is visual art and my minor is photography workshop, but actually I'm taking my last subject, it's English because I haven't decided to take this before and it was an awful decision. But for this reason, today I can speak about my job like "artist" because I'm almost out of this major.

     In this moment (because it's relative) I have several jobs: I work like photographer freelancer in social events like marriages (I don't like very much this but is properly pay), like model of the drawing workshop of the University, like promotional staff some weekends, and also I have some work no remunerates, for example quickly I'll begin to give class of art appreciation cinematographic in an art hall in Conchalí. Besides I must progress in my thesis, and this would be my priority, but the life is expensive and I must work to live like all people in this world, and I love the art and the photography.

     I think that would be like photographer freelancer but to get my own photography study in my home, because of this way I could progress in some remunerates work and in my art project personal too.

     Somethings my works


2 comentarios:

  1. that good you are working as a photographer!

  2. I really like the last picture !! The good thing about photography is that you can work taking photos of events, at least to make money, even if we do not like it
