jueves, 30 de junio de 2016


My experience using blogs in the english class.

Before starting I must admit that I don't like much write in the English blog because it's hard for me, but I have understood that it's a very good tool for learn to express in other language. I think that in general finally all have enjoyed writing ours different experiences in english because we have learned to know us and to correct ours mistakes in the english writing. I believe that en my case I have progress writing in english because before I don't feel prepared for express my opinion in a text with more that 50 words in english, but now I feel that I can do it despite that I must look for some words in a dictionary but less before. In the future I would like include in the blogs more exercise of

martes, 28 de junio de 2016


The Music

I think that it's the post more difficult for me in this semester because I don't enjoy much the music in general and I believe that I'm one of the few person that don't enjoy this. In my opinion it's something about a habit because when I was a child I lived in a little city with my grandfather and my grandmother and we were very silents. My grandfather generally was very contemplative because he could be hours siting in the garden looking the people walking in the street and I sat to her side and draw her, and my grandmother did the job of the home and teacher me to cook, now I think that it was a little male chauvinist but enjoyed much lived with they.

I believe that for this I take pleasure in the silence and despite I like dancing I don't know much about music genre. When I'm in my home I remember a song that I like, listen this and then I can`t follow listening more about this artist because I get bored and this transforms in a noise for me. And go to the concert isn't a great landscape for me.

viernes, 24 de junio de 2016

Subject this semester

In my case is very easy choose a subject that I enjoyed this semester because I only have one subject: English. But for other side is a little sad the fact that I can't graduate of this career because I fell behind with English.

We have two times a week this subject, and it were very difficult for me at the beginning because I did not want go to the University only for this class because I had that travel from Ovalle to Santiago all week, but then I begin to enjoy this class because is very entertaining and interactive, and I think that I have learned and improved a lot of english in this semester, the only I don't like do is this blogs jajaja. A important element in this subject had been the teacher, because she help us to progress because is very difficult for somebody learn english, like to me especially in the listening.

I think that I learned to be more patient and more persistent in the english areas and also learned many new words, so my vocabulary is bigger this semester.

martes, 21 de junio de 2016

                                                        My career

       I like very much Visual Art because it's a career that have helped me to grow like a person and like a professional and I think that I cold't study other career because I tried this but finished to concluded that the art is my true vocation.
       In my opinion the advantages of my career are that in all its areas you must apply the creativity and If you are a creative person, you won't have problems and will get very good result. For other side, the disadvantages are that sometimes you need many times for make a single work because its'n easy like resolve a mathematician problems, because you need a good idea for resolve your work and sometimes the good ideas don't arrive.
      My career is well know because always has been the visual arts in the world but sometimes the people don't understand like this is focus on in the professional area because is complicated understand that a person study for become a painter or sculptor because they don't earn money, but this is so.
      I think that the only requirements to study visual arts is have the attitude and believe that you are a creative person. The benefits for study it are become a person with many abilities in different areas like the creative, like social critical and like a good person.
     The true is that we never know where finishing work because, generally the arts haven't a specific place for work. And talking to money... money? I don't know if I earn money but I will know that will be doing some that I love.

viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

                                       My Favourite Philosopher 

Today I will write  about my favourite philosopher, he´s Friedrich Engels.

Engels was born in Prusia in 1820 and died in 1895.

He is mi favourite philosopher because he always defended the right of the working class and the exploit people by the ruling class. He was against of the human exploitation. Also he thought that the main problem of the society was the private property because this produced alienation in the working class, If this alienation ended, would become the end of human greed and exploitation.
His thoughts were used to build structure of scientific socialism.

His principal inspiration was Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, German philosopher. Also Engels admired to Thomas Carlyle, british intellectual, who criticized harshly to capitalism too.

His most famous books are: Communist manifest, The origin of the family, private property and the state, Military issues and Situation of the working class in England.

I like his ideas because I think that living in a unequal society and It’s regulates for the capitalism where always wins who has more money, and I would like that this was different.

I always try that my personal interests and decisions not to be regulate for the money and try to build a more equal society helping people around me.