jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

English Languaje Challenges

      My experience with the English class has been very difficult because is a language complicated for me, I think that I had not got a good base in this aspect because my school was basic in the english area. However we can go to improving in this aspect through the years practicing in our homes, but I believe that I had did this vary bad. 
     In the University some class had been very enjoyables and interactives but others had been very boring for me because sometime I'm very lost in this, but it isn't frequently. Besides sometimes discourage me have only this class. 
     I think that the English blog is a good tool for the class, however sometimes it's complicated because is difficult write about me, the things like me, the things would like me to do some day, and others. But stoping this topic of side, the blog help us to improve our english and to practice evenly and I hope had progress in this area.
      I believe that need improve to much aspects of me English, above everything the listening and I'm practicing this seeing movies and series in English with subtitle in English too, but this still is difficult for me. Also I'm talking with some friends in english and they are helping me. 
     In this moment of my life I'm not using the English separate of the English for the class, but I think that in a moment I will need this and I hope to be trained, although now I see this a little difficult. 

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

Changes to my study programme 

      In my opinion is very important that we can to make this type of analysis about ours study programme because it can be useful for new generations because is important that the major generates changes throught the years. Is very important check the study programme before choose one career but it's vague when a person is still very young, and don't know that really want. 
     The curriculum of my career has been changing throught the time, but this not always has been for something better. When I decided study visual arts, one of the options was study in the Catholic University but the study programme I didn't like because this included subject related to religion and I believe that is useless for me. But for other side this career in University of Chile have many infrastructure problems principally in the workshops, because sometimes lacks of tools or flood it with the rains in the winters. 
         When I chose the photography workshop I could realize that it was very precarious and photographer equipments was lacking, for this reason sometimes was very complicated work in this workshop, still is very complicated that the faculty lend you this equipments for some art personal project. However, finally have been achieved advances in this aspects because now the photography workshop have moderns computer for each students and a good study room because when I was in the workshop it was in remodeling.
     I like the study programme of my career, but would modify some aspects for example, I would do that the English class wasn't obligatory (I'm sorry, I must say this) because some people prefer other languages before that the english but it's a problem of the globalization, but in general I love my career!


jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

Summer holidays

      When I think in my future summer holidays, the first that comes to my mind is my family, but ALL my family. I would like to visit a place with my family named Guanaqueros, it's a little beach located near of La Serena, because before always we went to holidays together there, but it has been a little difficult the last vacations.
      This has been complicated because we rented a big house (we are a big family, thirty approximately, counting cousins, uncles, grandchildren, and others) every years and the last years this house was sold, now is an ardous work to find a house where we can be all together. It was a sad announcement for us. 
      My family is from Ovalle, fourth region of Coquimbo and we like very much visit Guanaqueros because is a nice, quiet, a little beach and besides it's very near. When we holidays there, we take turns to do domestic activities like cook, wash the dishes, wash the bathrooms, order the rooms, and others, this activities was divided in groups of mothers, pathers, sons, and special activities for more littles like the grandsons. 
      These memories are somethings beautiful for me because we went together to the beach, to take a stroll, have a breakfast, lunch, dinner, all was together. The worst part was for example sometimes some people ate on foot, because the chairs weren't enough, or use the shower because the wait was eternal, but I suppose that it happens in all big families.

martes, 25 de octubre de 2016

My future job

      It's a topic very difficult in this major but in some moment we must confront this. In this moment I'm doing a major in University of Chile, its name is visual art and my minor is photography workshop, but actually I'm taking my last subject, it's English because I haven't decided to take this before and it was an awful decision. But for this reason, today I can speak about my job like "artist" because I'm almost out of this major.

     In this moment (because it's relative) I have several jobs: I work like photographer freelancer in social events like marriages (I don't like very much this but is properly pay), like model of the drawing workshop of the University, like promotional staff some weekends, and also I have some work no remunerates, for example quickly I'll begin to give class of art appreciation cinematographic in an art hall in Conchalí. Besides I must progress in my thesis, and this would be my priority, but the life is expensive and I must work to live like all people in this world, and I love the art and the photography.

     I think that would be like photographer freelancer but to get my own photography study in my home, because of this way I could progress in some remunerates work and in my art project personal too.

     Somethings my works


jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

My favourite song or music album

      I believe that this will be the post more difficult for me, because I don't enjoy very much the music in general, when I say this the people say me that it's very strange, because all people enjoy this. For me, it has a simple explanation: when I was a child, lived with my grandparents in a little city (Ovalle), our home was very calm because they didn't listen to much music and our life was very peaceful. I think that for this reason, I don't get to listen to music all the time and I prefer to be in a more quiet place, besides I'm living alone and is very easy to get this. 
      When I'm in my house and want to listen to one song that I remember, I look for this in youtube and repeat this for a very long time until that this bores me, and I switch it off, I know that it's very stranger for the vast majority of people but is usual for me. 
      Is for all this reason that today I couldn't find one song or album for write about this because it would be a invention for leave of the steap, but I'm a person very true (lie, only in occassions jajajaj).


jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

A favourite artist  

      This time I', going to write about my favourite artist, but more than that I would like do a posthumous homage to great artist: José Balmes. 
     Balmes was a Spaniard painter but since childhood he has made her home in Chile. He died in august of this year in Santiago, Chile. 
      He arrived to Chile like refugee for the Spain civil war, made her studies in the School of Arts in the University of Chile, and then he was a teacher of this institution (our institution). Also he was designated director of this career and dean still 1973, because this year he had that left this country and be exiled. In 1985 he came back to Chile. 
      Her work like painter is a testimonial vision and gossip of the human actions understanding the painting like memory, in her paintings he occupies various elements like periodic paper, plastics and deciduous tree for this reason her work is very expressive and original. 
      Today I wanted to write about this artist because I think that he was a great contribution to the history of art in our country and a great contribution to our School of Art too. I admire her work and her form that he expressed her opinion in her paintings. 

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016

My best holidays 

      My best holidays was in México the last year, specifically in Oaxaca. In 2014 I was in a student exchange in Universidad Autónoma de México, and the people in charge organized us a trip with all students exchange for a long weekend to the beach. This was great because I could know some México's beaches like Mazunte, Zipolite, Veracruz.

      Despite of high degree of temperature (40 approximate) I like it because I didn't know none beach in my country with cristalline and hot water. Other aspect that I liked very much, was that the holidays were with student of other country like Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela, Germany, Spain and Chile of course.

     The place that I loved, was Mazunte because the landcape mixing beach with jungle and the people there, they are very friendly. The one thing that I didn't like was the mosquito because we had to use repellent and sun block all the time.

      I know that in México there is a beach very more idyllic like Cancún, but the magic of my holidays were my UNAM classmates and learned new things of other countries.